Mimi Graney
Describe your project.
Relish is starting as a 7-month pop-up education and retail center in Union Square, Somerville. We will offer classes, workshops and supplies for all things related to urban agriculture, including beekeeping, chickens, small-scale farming, mushrooming, canning, and more. Relish Kids will run over summer break and vacations, offering week long classes for kids. If we are successful as a pop-up in 2013 we plan to continue into 2014 and beyond.
How will you use the grant?
The grant will pay for our initial retail items to help stock our shelves. Most urban farmers have to drive outside the city or order online for their supplies, and we would like to offer a decent selection of quality items. We will also use the money to paint our space and pay for our signs and banners.
Why and to whom is your project important?
There is not a center for urban agriculture in our metro area. There are many clubs, and city ordinances are starting to catch up with public interest. Our center will provide high quality instructors and accurate information for everyone interested in urban agriculture and home food-production, from seasoned urban farmers to those just becoming interested. Our classes will be hands-on, guiding aspiring urban farmers step by step as they implement their agriculture plans.
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