Describe your project.
The project is a Passport booklet that will be given out to Greater Boston area youth. The Passport will be stamped by participating cultural entities who will receive a specially designed stamp for their organization. Passport holders will receive FREE or discounted admittance to participating entities. For now, the hope is to get more and more youth to experience the arts, but the long term hope is to spark one person’s passion in something they would have never experienced.
How will you use the grant to make your idea happen?
How will you use the grant to make your idea happen?
100% of the grant will go towards the printing of the Passport booklet. Project creator and designer, Brian Cook, is donating his time and I will volunteer to make contacts and identify participating orgs as well as facilitating distribution.
Why and to whom is your project important?
Why and to whom is your project important?
The Project will be important to three groups; 1) The Youth: Studies are showing that less and less youth (particularly students of color) go to museums or to other cultural organizations. 2) The cultural organization: Although a number of museums offer FREE admittance to students under 18, their paid marketing efforts are targeted towards more affluent donors. This project can help to supplement an organization’s marketing efforts to youth, and 3) Society: I know, mushy, but with the arts an easy cut from school curriculum and the habitual attacks at the federal level, it behooves us all to make arts access for at-risk communities a priority.
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