On Friday, May 4, in downtown Boston, the stories of five families on the front lines of the foreclosure crisis will be projected onto the seats of financial power – the corporate bank offices that have robo-signed away Americans’ homes, used illegal predatory lending practices to target people of color and immigrants, and pushed thousands of families below the poverty line.
Each of the stories – public letters written by members of City Life/Vida Urbana who are being foreclosed by Bank of America and fighting to keep their homes – will cover the front wall of a Bank of America building downtown. This will be an opportunity for Boston residents, neighbors, and supporters to confront Bank of America with the human costs of its practices, and to recognize the efforts of families most affected by the financial crisis. The voices of the movement will be amplified and made publicly visible on a scale not yet seen in Boston.
Organized by City Life/Vida Urbana and John Hulsey in collaboration with CL/VU members, the event kicks off a week of actions that will culminate in Charlotte, NC, on May 9. City Life and other Right to the City National Alliance members and thousands of homeowners will gather at the Bank of America shareholders’ meeting in Charlotte to demand that Wall Street banks be held accountable to the public. They will make the demand for principal reduction on underwater loans, an end to no-fault evictions, the acceptance of rent from families post-foreclosure, and the sale of homes back to families at real market value.
Please share widely! Go to the facebook event.
Friday, May 4, 8:30pm. Meeting location anounced closer to date of event.
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